This substation is currently under construction in a land with an approximate area of 30 hectares including two voltage levels of 400 and 230 KV by Parsian High Pressure substations Development Company.
400 KV switch gear of this substation consists of eighteen 400 KV feeders (line, trans and power plant), and eight 230 KV feeders (line and trans) and the capacity of the installed trans is 500 MV Ampere which can be extended up to 750 MV Ampere.
This substation, as one of the country’s biggest transfer substations plays the function of transferring the generated energy in Gohran 1000 MW power plant to national grid and to downstream industries (such as steel and …).
In this substation, the required conditions to join two 400 KV feeders to Sirjan Jahan Steel Complex 400 KV substation; two 400 KV feeders to the 400 KV substation of Golgohar Iron and Steel development, two 230 KV feeders to Golgohar2 (Parvaresh) 230 KV substation, and two 230 KV feeders to Gohar Zamin 230 KV substation, and two 230 KV feeders to Golgohar1 230 KV substation have been provided.